Switzerland : World Yarn Output At 3-Year Low Says ITMF.

05/04/2002 World yarn production fell to its lowest level in three years in the last quarter of 2001 as the downtrend in output completed its seventh consecutive quarter, it was revealed today. According to International Textile Manufacturers Association (ITMF), global yarn output fell 2.6 per cent in the quarter due to falls in production in the US and Asia.

Increases in output were recorded in Europe and Brazil, but on an annual basis world output was down 6.6 per cent. The Zurich-based organisation said fabric production remained unchanged in the period as it remained around its average level for the past three years. The ITMF added that on an annual basis, global fabric output increased 1.6 per cent as it was driven by gains in Asia and Brazil.
Friday, 05 April 2002

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